Yahoo Japan Corporation has reorganized to LY Corporation on October 1, 2023. Please click here to visit the corporate website of LY Corporation.
The information contained in this page is as of September 30, 2023.

Press Release


Yahoo! JAPAN Newly Establishes and Appoints Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Yahoo Japan Corporation (hereinafter “Yahoo! JAPAN”) has newly established a Data Protection Officer (hereinafter “DPO”), who will be tasked with promoting appropriate utilization of data in the company through advice on protection of customer data handled and supervision of how the data is used.

Yahoo! JAPAN regards that the data generated by customers’ use of Yahoo! JAPAN services belongs to the customers. Therefore, Yahoo! JAPAN believes it is its mission to protect the privacy of its customers as well as to make efforts to improve information security. With respect to its approach to customer data and how it is used, emphasis is placed on providing information in an easy-to-understand manner. In addition to its Privacy Policy, Yahoo! JAPAN has established a Privacy Center*1 to provide plain explanations. In addition, Yahoo! JAPAN has pursued the best way to protect privacy and utilize data through the appointment of a Chief Data Officer (CDO) who oversees data use and governance, and the establishment of an expert advisory board on data utilization*2.
*1 Privacy Center
*2 Establishment of Advisory Board for Privacy

Today, the importance of utilizing data is increasing rapidly in order to realize a better society. At the same time, Yahoo! JAPAN believes that it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that data is protected securely, that data is not used in a way that violates customer expectations, and that proper explanations are provided to customers to gain their understanding.

Yahoo! JAPAN decided to establish and appoint a DPO based on the belief that an independent position to oversee data protection is necessary in order to realize a better society through the power of IT and big data, while further focusing on privacy protection.

Yahoo! JAPAN is committed to providing better services and ultimately, achieving a better society, and recognize that the power of various types of data is indispensable to this end. However, the use of data can lead to disappointment and anxiety for customers if a mistake is made in the usage. Yahoo! JAPAN will strive to ensure that all employees will have a higher awareness of data protection and will consider ways to use data and ways to better communicate its approaches.

As the "guardian of data privacy" at the forefront of this effort, the DPO will sincerely listen to the opinions of customers and experts on various types of data, especially personal data, and make efforts to realize a world where customers can entrust their data with peace of mind and enjoy various conveniences.

●Profile of the Appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Akira Koyanagi
Akira Koyanagi joined Yahoo Japan Corporation in 2003. Having worked in the legal and public affairs divisions, he joined the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2013 under the personnel exchange system between the public and private sectors. There he was involved in the planning and implementation of policies to promote data utilization, as well as policies in anticipation of the revision of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

After returning to Yahoo Japan Corporation in 2015, he promoted the revision of the company’s privacy policy and other measures in preparation for the revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information enforced in 2016. Appointed DPO in May 2020.

Unless otherwise specified, English-language documents are prepared solely for the convenience of non-Japanese speakers. If there is any inconsistency between the English-language documents and the Japanese-language documents, the Japanese-language documents will prevail.
