Yahoo Japan Corporation has reorganized to LY Corporation on October 1, 2023. Please click here to visit the corporate website of LY Corporation.
The information contained in this page is as of September 30, 2023.


Yahoo! JAPAN News Comment Policy (Summary)

Basic Concept of the Comments Section

The comments section of Yahoo! JAPAN News is a forum where diverse opinions, thoughts, and impressions related to news and world events are gathered. Yahoo! JAPAN News believes that being exposed to the opinions and thoughts of others in the comments section provides an opportunity to reorganize one's thoughts and gain a deeper, more multifaceted understanding of the news. In addition, by taking advantage of the interactive nature of the Internet, Yahoo! JAPAN News aims to create even more value by providing a place where users can be the originators of information, in addition to providing the information originated from the media.
In order for the comments section to be a place where people can gain "awareness" and "empathy," it is of utmost importance that the section is provided as a safe environment. Please use the comments section with consideration so that your comments can be a source of "awareness" and "empathy" for others.
Yahoo! JAPAN News continuously works on measures to prevent fraudulent or inappropriate comments in the comments section so that the section can be used by more users with a sense of security.

This Comment Policy describes the rules for use of the comments section, including profiles, and delineates prohibited postings and activities. In using the comments section, please agree to the Terms of Use and this Comment Policy. Failure to comply may result in restrictions in publications and postings of comments.

Prohibited Comments

Yahoo! JAPAN News prohibits the following for its comments section.
(Please note that the full text in Japanese lists specific examples for each type of prohibited comments to enhance the understanding of the users.)

Personal information

  • Postings containing information that can identify a specific individual (name, address, phone number, email address, account number, “My Number,” etc.)

Violation of laws and regulations

  • Postings that constitute or encourage crimes or criminal activities, as well as postings that contain such content with the intent to cause mischief (e.g., criminal or suicide threats, criminal or suicide promotion, extortion, fraud, phishing, etc.)
  • Postings that violate intellectual property or other rights, such as copyright infringement
  • Postings that violate privacy

Obscene or violent content

  • Postings with obscene, sexually explicit, or vulgar content
  • Postings with animal abuse or violent/gruesome content
  • Postings that are offensive and vulgar

Excessive criticism or defamation/attacks on or harassment of individuals

  • Postings that may constitute human rights violations or defamation against specific individuals (including public figures)
  • Postings that use expressions that may cause discomfort or disgust, or that attack others and other users
  • Postings that use harsh or degrading expressions that lack moderation
  • Postings that ridicule illnesses, medical histories, or physical or mental disorders
  • Acts of persistently nagging a specific user, or repeatedly making offensive jokes or libelous remarks about a specific user.

Discriminatory remarks/hate speech

  • Postings that discriminate against a specific region, family origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disease, disability, occupation, religion, belief, etc.
  • Posting that discriminate against a specific race, ethnicity, country or region, or that constitute hate speech

Inappropriate or inconsiderate criticism and bad language

  • Inappropriate or uncaring postings against victims, relatives of victims, perpetrators, relatives of perpetrators and related parties, etc.
  • Criticism, bad language, or all-negative postings that lack moral character or consideration
  • Extremely short, negative, offensive, or dismissive posts

Postings with no relevance

  • Postings that have little or no relevance to the news being reported
  • Postings where the majority of the content is not related to the content of the article

Obvious disinformation

  • Disinformation that may cause health hazards, etc., and that has been shown to be untrue through fact-checking

Duplicate posting

  • Duplicate posting of the same or nearly identical comments
  • Repeated posting of the same text over a short period

Prank or spam posting

  • Postings that contain cipher or cryptic language that is difficult to convey the intent of the post
  • Acts of obtaining multiple accounts and instigating the impression that the opinion is voiced by many

Commercial or advertising purposes

  • Postings for the purpose of advertising, such as directing users to a specific website
  • Propaganda, proselytizing, incitement to protest, or similar activities

Other comments deemed inappropriate by Yahoo! JAPAN

In order to ensure the safety and security of many users, Yahoo! JAPAN prohibits posts that are offensive or disturbing to others or other users, or that are not in line with the purpose of the service, in light of socially accepted norms.
In addition to the above, Yahoo! JAPAN may take actions such as deleting postings or suspending the use of Yahoo! JAPAN News comments section, to any acts that Yahoo! JAPAN deems inappropriate.

Initiatives Taken in the Comments Section

The comments section is intended for users to freely contribute their opinions, thoughts, and impressions related to the news, but "freedom of expression" is not unlimited. Yahoo! JAPAN News works to ensure the integrity of the comments section and takes a variety of measures to deter posts that violate the Terms of Use and Comment Policy in advance, including removing offending comments and suspending posting by users who repeatedly violate these policies.

Comment patrols

In addition to using machine learning to analyze, detect, and automatically delete inappropriate comments, the comments section is patrolled 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by a dedicated team that deletes violating comments and takes other actions. However, Yahoo! JAPAN News does not make individual judgments of right and wrong and does not restrict postings for specific ideologies. If a comment that violates laws such as criminal threats, libel, insult, defamation of trust, or obstruction of business is posted, Yahoo! JAPAN may notify the police in addition to removing the comment.

Violation reports from users

Please notify Yahoo! JAPAN News if you find a comment that may be in violation of the Comment Policy. Yahoo! JAPAN checks and responds to every comment notified.
Please note that Yahoo! JAPAN believes it is important for the comments section to encompass the diverse opinions of all persons and may not delete or take action if it is determined that the comment does not violate the Terms of Use or Comment Policy, even if the comment is perceived as inappropriate by some.

Display of warnings and suspension of postings

Yahoo! JAPAN may post messages to alert users who have posted offensive comments within the past few days and urge them to reconsider the content of their posts.
In addition, users who repeatedly post offensive comments may be suspended from making any further postings. For users who have been suspended from posting, Yahoo! JAPAN provides a contact point for objections, and reviews the details of the action taken when objections are received.

Non-display of the comments section by AI

For articles with more than a certain number of comments, Yahoo! JAPAN News has implemented a function that automatically hides the comments section according to criteria such as the number of offending comments as determined by AI.

Non-display setting by users

If an individual does not wish to see the comments section when reading an article, the comments section can be set to be hidden. If an individual does not want to see the comments of a particular user, they can choose to hide the comments by that particular user. The details of the non-display setting are viewable only to the user who made the setting.

Response to infringement of rights

When a request for disclosure of sender information is made by a person who claims that his/her rights have been infringed, Yahoo! JAPAN may disclose such information in accordance with the procedures required by law.
If you wish to request the deletion of a post or disclosure of sender information based on the reason that your rights have been infringed by a post in the comments section, etc., please send a written request to Yahoo! JAPAN using the prescribed form.
